a - z指数


住宅应用程序 & 房间里选择


Selection order is based primarily on the date you submitted your housing application. 



是的. Students may bring their own provided the refrigerator does not exceed five cubic feet and 2.5安培. Residents can have only one microwave per room that is 700 watts or less and plugged into a power strip with a circuit breaker. We recommend that all appliances be plugged into a circuit breaker as well.


Students living in Dieterich or Millikan may construct lofts in their room if they follow the loft guidelines. 由于房间大小的不同,室友的变化等., it is recommended to wait until you arrive on campus before constructing your loft. 访问 床和阁楼 了解更多信息.

What are the specifications on the notebook computer and what is compatible?

访问 包括课本和笔记本电脑* 了解西北航空公司提供的笔记本电脑的所有细节.


是的. 像许多大学一样, Northwest has a residency requirement which requires all first-time freshmen to live in the residence halls unless they are married, at least 21 years of age or are commuting from their parents' or lifetime guardian's primary residence. Students not living in the residence halls must complete the commuter card and be approved to commute to campus, 否则,住房费用可能仍然适用.


The 住房 and Food Services Agreement is for the entire academic year. Release at the end of the fall semester will only be considered for those residents who complete the Petition for Release from the 住房 and Food Services Agreement and are approved with extreme and unusual circumstances. Freshmen petitioning for release must meet the criteria for commuting students.




迪特里希和密立根的床垫是标准的双人床尺寸(76英寸)。. 所有其他大厅都是“超长双”(80英寸).  和记棋牌娱乐建议购买超长尺寸的床垫,不管床垫大小.  所有上流社会的房子都有超长床垫.  If you purchase extra long, you can be assured your sheets can be used the following year. Just tuck them in a little further if you get the regular twin-size bed as a freshman.


All rooms have two beds, two desks, two chairs, two 关闭ts, and two 梳妆台s. 有关楼层平面图和房间布局指南,请访问大厅 & 住宅生活网站的公寓部分.


No. 宿舍里没有学生储藏空间. 请在打包行李时考虑这些信息. 所有的大学家具必须留在房间里.


是的. 你的房间就是你接下来九个月的家, 所以带上你需要的东西,让你有宾至如归的感觉——在合理的范围内. 图片, 植物, 地毯, 海报, 鱼, 公告板, 窗帘, 床单也能增添这种特别的感觉. Please remember that all University furniture must remain in the room and the room and furniture needs to be in the same condition as when you checked in, 否则,您将根据差额收取损失费.


是的. 和记棋牌娱乐鼓励你把房间布置得尽可能有家的感觉. 和记棋牌娱乐已经为你提供了和记棋牌娱乐认为你需要的一切, 但如果你有最喜欢的椅子, 梳妆台, 等.,你也可以把那个带来. Just be sure to leave room for the furniture already in the room because you are not allowed to remove University furniture from your room. 退房时,您将为丢失的家具付费.


是的, but the Residential Life staff has developed a smooth process for check-in and for you to move your items into the hall. There will be designated unloading zones in front of the building for you to quickly unload your items into carts with the aid of a Cat CREW member. The Cat CREW is a group of student volunteers who assist freshmen on move-in day. These students are more than happy to assist you; however, 你也有责任把你的东西搬进你的房间. Your Resident/Student Assistants and Hall/Complex Director will be in the building and available to answer any questions you may have.


No. 和记棋牌娱乐是一个无烟校园.


你和你的室友有责任保持房间的清洁. 宿舍管理员负责打扫走廊, 游说团体, 其他社区区域和社区浴室. Suite and Apartment style bathrooms are the responsibility of the residents assigned to those bathrooms.


No. 这些房间是轮流粉刷的. 出于安全考虑, 设备寿命, 保持油漆中性, 以及油漆兼容性, 和记棋牌娱乐不允许学生粉刷他们的房间.


Studies have consistently shown that freshmen living on campus are more likely to return to the university for their second semester than those living off campus. The Residential Life office has teamed up with various other offices on campus to provide academic assistance and programming in the freshman residence halls. There are expanded study hours (quiet hours) in all the freshman residence halls, an ARCH (Academic Resource Consultant in Hall) who can assist you with academic questions, and a PERT (Peer Educator in Residence for Technology) who can assist you with any computer questions. 每层楼都有自习室, 以及指定在每个宿舍24小时学习的学生.


可以,但是你必须购买停车许可证. 首先在CatPAWS网上注册你的车. You will then be able to pick up your permit at the Administration building, Student Services Desk. 有关购买停车许可证的详细资料,包括费用,请 查看停车政策页面.


是的!  在校园里允许骑自行车, 然而, it has been our observation that a vast majority of students who bring bikes to campus don’t use them. 如果你想带的话, it must be registered with University Police and be stored on the bike racks outside your residence hall. 自行车登记不收费.


You must live with your assigned roommate until the second week of class. At that time, you may change rooms for any reason-no questions asked as long as space is available. After room change week, if you and your roommate just cannot get along, see your RA. He or she will help you work through the issues and make a roommate contract. 如果一切都失败了, your Hall Director will assist you in working through the tough times and find you the best possible living arrangement. 在换房一周后更换房间可能需要支付换房费.


访问ation hours are the hours that members of the opposite gender can visit you in your room. 所有高年级学生宿舍每周7天,每天24小时都有访客. Freshman halls have 24-hour visitation on the weekends, and 9AM-1AM visitation during the week.

Do I have to take all of my stuff home during Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring breaks?

NO. If you return to the same room after the break, you may leave your things. 课间休息时,大厅将被锁上, and only those residents that have made special arrangements will be allowed in the building. 休息期间还要进行额外的安全检查. 不过,建议你把所有贵重物品带回家.